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First National Bank People's Bank

Walking Tour Prepared By Kevin & Lisa Ragland
With History By: Yolanda Reid & Linda Dean

This is the northern point of original town lot #11 which John Hutchison purchased for S8.00 in April 1795. Anderson Cheatham bought it from Hutchison and a store was built as well as a brick residence for Mr. Cheatham which is believed to have been the first brick house in town. Anderson Cheatham served as Robertson County Sheriff from 1812 through 1818. Ownership of this corner progressed through Archer Cheatham, Richard Cheatham, and Dr. Thomas J. Ryan until the 1840's when Joakim and Allie Green bought it and erected a new brick store house on this corner which operated as a grocery and hardware business for many years. People's Bank purchased this corner in February 1887 conducting banking here until July 1924 when they failed and went into receivership.

On January 23, 1899 a fire destroyed several buildings on this east side of the public square, including People's Bank and the Springfield Record newspaper in the rear and Fielden's Photography which was upstairs. The building you see today was built new in 1899 and the first electric street light in Springfield was placed on this corner that same ear. First National Bank purchased the building, furniture & fixtures of the defunct People's Bank opening on February 16, 1925 and continuing through 1957. First National built and moved into their new building across Fifth Avenue and in October 1957 sold this building to Tennessee Light & Power Company. Alonzo Frank Trimble owner of Tennessee Light & Power leased the building to various businesses including Dr. J. Wesley Atwood, Dr. Sue Atwood and Dr. J. R. Quarles during the 1960's and 70's and more recent ears to the District Attorney and Springfield Alarm Company. Descendants of Alonzo Frank Trimble still the building as of 2021.

History of the Springfield National Bank from 1872 to 1982

1872 - The Springfield National Bank was chartered with a capital of $60,000 and was located on the east side of the square. The building was acquired on May 12, 1872 by John Woodard, Thomas Pepper, Willie Woodard, C.C. Bell and John W. Stark from John S. and E. T. Hart. The officers and directors were: John Woodard - President, Thomas Pepper - Vice-President, Willie Woodard, C.C. Bell and John W. Stark - Directors.

1908 - John Y. Hutchison, the Bank's first Cashier, was succeeded by James W. Brown.

1917 - The Springfield National Bank changed its charter from a National Bank to a State Bank and changed its name to the Springfield Bank. John W. Brown became President of the new bank.

1925 - The Fourth and First National Bank of Nashville purchased the stock of Springfield Bank. James W. Brown, the President of the Springfield Bank, became a Vice President of the Fourth and First National Bank. Upon Mr. Brown's retirement, Reams Farmer became the Cashier of the Springfield Branch of the Fourth and First National Bank.

1930 - The Fourth and First National Bank bought the stock of the Robertson County Bank and Trust Company which had been organized in 1900 by Charles E. Bell and Jordan S. Brown. The two banks were consolidated and Mr. Bell was named Vice-President and the Bank retained the name of the Springfield Bank.

1939 - Nashville Trust Company purchased the stock of the Springfield Bank and continued under Mr.
Bell's management until 1940.

1940 - Commerce Union Bank of Nashville purchased the stock and the bank building of the Springfield Branch of the Nashville Trust Company.

1941 Commerce Union Bank moved their bank office and the building housed several retail businesses until 1978.

1978 - John Squares, President of Robertson State Bank, renovated and opened the building as a branch office of Robertson State Bank.

1982 - The Robertson State Bank changed its name to United Southern Bank of Robertson County under the Presidency of Jerry. T. Mason.

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